Our emphasis on engaged philosophy offers alternatives to the ways we currently understand ourselves and our relation to nature and each other in our technologically complex, global economy. At the undergraduate level we offer a major in philosophy, as well as a minor.
We offer four interdisciplinary certificates:
At the graduate level we offer a Masters in Applied Ethics, and we also participate in the Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies program.
Additionally, the members of the Philosophy program at OSU are involved in and supported by a number of affiliated projects and programs:
- The Spring Creek Project focuses on the links between environmental philosophy, literature, and culture.
- The Phronesis Lab for Engaged Ethics supports ethics research that is interdisciplinary, innovative, and engaged, with a focus on social justice.
- The Anarres Project for Alternative Futures is a forum for conversations, ideas, and initiatives that promote a future free of domination, exploitation, oppression, war, and empire.