Most Recent Publications of our Sociology Faculty
- Borradaile, Glencora, Brett Burkhardt, and Alexandria LeClerc. 2020. “Whose Tweets Are Surveilled for the Police: An Audit of a Social-Media Monitoring Tool via Log Files.” In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 570–580. FAT* ’20. Barcelona, Spain: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020.
- Boudet, H. S. (2019). Public perceptions of and community responses to new energy technologies. Nature Energy 4: 446-455.
- Boudet, H. S., L. Giordono, C. Zanocco, H. Satein and H. Whitley (2020). Event attribution and partisanship shape local discussion of climate change after extreme weather. Nature Climate Change 10: 69–76.
- Burkhardt, Brett C. 2019. "Contesting Market Rationality: Discursive Struggles over Prison Privatization." Punishment & Society. 21(2):162-186.
- Burkhardt, Brett C. 2019. "Does the Public Sector Respond to Private Competition? An Analysis of Privatization and Prison Performance." Journal of Crime and Justice, 42(2): 201-220.
- Burkhardt, Brett C. 2019. “The Politics of Correctional Privatization in the United States.” Criminology & Public Policy. 18(2):401-418.
- Burkhardt, Brett C. and Keith Baker. 2019. "Agency Correlates of Police Militarization: The Case of MRAPs." Police Quarterly. 22(2):161-191.
- Burkhardt, Brett. C. and Story Edison. 2020. “Correctional Privatization in the United States.” In Criminal Justice and Privatisation, (ed. Philip Bean): Routledge.
- Dundas, S. J., Levine A. S., Lewison R. L., Doerr A., White C., Galloway A. W. E., Garza C., Hazen E. L., Padilla-Gamiño J., Samhouri J. F., Spalding A. K., Stier A., White J. W. Published online 21 April 2020. Integrating Oceans into Climate Policy: Any Green New Deal needs a splash of blue. Conservation Letters e12716
- Grobe, Deana, Mark Edwards, and Bruce Weber. 2020. “The Complex Dynamics of Work, Wages, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation.” Journal of Poverty DOI: 10.1080/10875549.2019.1616032\
- Hazboun, S. and H. S. Boudet (2020). Public preferences in a shifting energy future: Comparing public views of eight energy sources in North America’s Pacific Northwest. Energies 13(8): 1940.
- Hurst, Allison L 2018. “Loyalists, Renegades, and Double Agents: Managing Divided Loyalties,” in Clearing the Path: Qualitative Studies of the Experiences of First Generation College Students, edited by Ashley Rondini, Bedelia Richards-Dowden, and Nicolas Simon, Lexington Books.
- Hurst, Allison L. 2018. “An Examination of the Predictors of Study Abroad Participation among Liberal Arts College Students” Studies in Higher Education 44(7): 1241-1255.; DOI:10.1080/03075079.2018.1428948
- Hurst, Allison L. 2019. Accumulated Advantage: Going to a “Good” College in an Era of Inequality Rowman & Littlefield, Social Class in Education series) Winner of the Ryan and Sackrey Book Award (Working-Class Studies Association, 2020)
- Hurst, Allison L., 2018. “Classed Outcomes: How Class Differentiates the Careers of Liberal Arts College Graduates in the US, British Journal of Sociology of Education 39(8): 1075-1093
- DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2018.1455495
- Hurst, Allison L., Ed Weber, and Jordan Winters. 2018. “K-12 and Higher Education Policy,” in Governing Oregon: Continuity and Change edited by Richard Clucas, Mark Henkels, Priscilla Southwell. and Ed Weber. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press.
- Hurst, Allison L.2019. “College Rankings: Creating an Equitable Model of Transformation and Institutional Effectiveness” Journal of Working-Class Studies 4(1): 79-97.
- Ortiz, Steven M. (2021). “Women Who Care for Retired Men: The Continuation of Inequality in the Sport Marriage.” Sociology of Sport Journal 38(3). Forthcoming.
- Ortiz, Steven M. (2020). The Sport Marriage: Women Who Make It Work. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.
- Shaw, Susan M., Michelle Bothwell, Kali Furman, Lisa Gaines, Deborah John, Cynthia Lopez, Nana Osei-Kofi, H. Tuba Özkan-Haller, Dwaine Plaza, Bonnie Ruder, and Rebecca L. Warner. 2019. “Advancing Women in STEM: Institutional Transformation.” The Lancet 393(10171):e17–e18.
- Spalding, A. K. (2020). Towards a Political Ecology of Lifestyle Migration: Local Perspectives on socio‐ecological change in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Published online 30 January 2020. Area.
- Spalding, A. K. and DeYcaza, R. In Press. Navigating Shifting Regimes of Ocean Governance: From UNCLOS to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14. Environment and Society: Advances in Research.
- Steel, Brent S., Erika Allen Wolters, and Rebecca L. Warner. 2019. “Public Preferences for Food–Energy–Water Tradeoffs in the Western U.S.” Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland) 11(19):5200.
- Stelmach, G., C. Zanocco, J. Flora, R. Rajagopal and H. S. Boudet (2020). Exploring household energy rules and activities during peak demand to better determine potential responsiveness to time-of-use pricing. Energy Policy 144: 111608.
- Tran, T., C. L. Taylor, H. S. Boudet, K. Baker and H. Peterson (2019). Using concepts from the study of social movements to understand community response to liquefied natural gas development in Clatsop County, Oregon. Case Studies in the Environment 3 (1): 1–7.
- Wade, E., Spalding, A. K., Biedenweg, K. (2019). Integrating Property Rights into Fisheries Management: The case of the managed access program in Belize. Marine Policy 108: 103631.
- Warnock, Deborah M, Allison L. Hurst, Will Barratt, and Jocelyn C. Salcedo. 2018. “Student Perceptions of Campus Climate by Social Class Background” in Evaluating Campus Climate at US Research Universities: Opportunities for Diversity and Inclusion, edited by Krista Soria. Palgrave.
- Wolters, Erika Allen, Brent S Steel, and Rebecca L Warner. 2019. “The Food-Water-Energy Nexus and Household Behavior: An Oregon Case Study.” Journal of Rural and Community Development 14(3):1-22.
- Wolters, Erika Allen, Brent S. Steel, and Rebecca L. Warner. 2020. “Ideology and Value Determinants of Public Support for Energy Policies in the U.S.: A Focus on Western States.” Energies (Basel) 13(8):1890-1908.
- Wolters, Erika Allen, Brent S. Steel, and Rebecca L. Warner. Forthcoming. “The Old West, the New West and the Next West?”.” in Environmental Politics and Policy of Western Public Lands. Oregon State University Press.
- Zanocco, C., H. S. Boudet, C. E. Clarke and P. Howe. (2019). Spatial discontinuities in support for hydraulic fracturing: searching for a “Goldilocks Zone.” Society & Natural Resources 32(9): 1065-1072.
- Zanocco, C., H. S. Boudet, R. Nilson and J. Flora (2019). Personal harm and support for climate change mitigation policies: Evidence from 10 U.S. communities impacted by extreme weather. Global Environmental Change 59: 101984.