Advising FAQ
What is Sociology?
Sociology is the study of human social behavior and sociologists examine interactions within and between groups and resulting social institutions. The undergraduate program in sociology provides a general analysis and broad understanding of human societies and culture for persons in all fields. Selecting courses around a topic or theme of interest adds meaning to one’s education and strengthens the base of understanding from which one can pursue a career or further education. Two options are currently available for Corvallis campus students — Crime and Justice, Environmental and Natural Resource Sociology and Social Services and Advocacy— with the Environmental and Natural Resource option also available for Ecampus students.
How do I add Sociology as a major?
Schedule an appointment with Jennifer Edwards using her Bookings’ Link.
How do I add Sociology as a minor?
Any academic advisor can add Sociology as a minor. You can request that your current major advisor add the Sociology minor or you can email your request to: [email protected]
If you would like to discuss specific details or if you have questions about the minor, schedule an advising appointment with Jennifer Edwards using her Bookings’ Link.
What are the requirements for a Sociology major?
View the Academic Catalog for Sociology major requirements
What are the requirements for a Sociology minor?
View the Academic Catalog for Sociology minor requirements
How do I schedule an advising appointment?
You can schedule advising appointments by using Jen’s Bookings’ Link.
If you are a First Year student majoring in Sociology, your advisor is within the Liberal Arts Student Services office: 214 Bexell Hall, 541-737-0561, [email protected].
What is MyDegrees?
MyDegrees is a web-based degree checklist program and academic advising tool designed to assist students and advisors in reviewing degree progress. It organizes a student's academic transcript chronologically and categorically, identifying courses they have completed and courses still needed to fulfill the degree requirements.
Access to MyDegrees: Log into My OSU, click on Student tab, under My Student Stuff click "MyDegrees", then click the Submit MyDegrees box.
View the MyDegrees video tutorials
Can I get Sociology credit for an internship?
Internships are not required as part of the Sociology major requirements, but are highly encouraged. If you are interested in earning Sociology internship credit (SOC 410) for an internship experience, please contact our Internship Coordinator, Kathleen Stanley: [email protected].
Internship credits are variable (1-16), and based upon internship site hours throughout the term. Students must get coordinator approval and an override to register for internship credits (SOC 410).
Registration FAQ
Do I need a PIN to register?
Fall term PIN: All Sociology students are required to enter a registration PIN to register for Fall term.
Term-by-term registration PIN: Students with a priority registration designation such as, Honors, Veteran Benefits, Athletics, DAS, or first year students, need a registration PIN to register on a term-by-term basis term (fall, winter, spring).
Summer term PIN: students do not need to enter a registration PIN for summer sessions.
When can I register?
Current students, To check your registration day and time:
1. Login to your My OSU account,
2. Click on the Student tab and under Registration Tools,
3. Select View Priority Registration Status.
Here you will see the specific dates and times assigned to you for Phase I and Phase II of registration. Your registration status and times will be available approximately one week before registration begins. Click here for Priority Registration
Summer term: there is no priority registration for summer term.
How do I waitlist a course?
Courses can be waitlisted online during Phase II registration; refer to the priority registration calendar.
If you’ve never waitlisted a course before, watch the Waitlisting Video to get started.
If you know the CRN of the course: Login to My OSU, click on the Student tab, and under Registration Tools choose Add/Drop classes, scroll to the bottom of the page, enter the CRN and click submit. The page will reload. Scroll to the bottom, use the action column to choose waitlist, and click submit again. Scroll to the bottom of the page and verify that you have been waitlisted for the course.
When waitlisted for linked courses such as lecture and laboratory or lecture and recitation, both CRNs, for lecture section and laboratory/recitation section must be present. If a laboratory/recitation section is waitlisted, from the dropdown menu for the waitlisted section of course select “Register” AND enter the CRN for the Lecture in the CRN box before you click “submit changes” to register. If you are waitlisted to the lecture, select “Register” from the dropdown menu AND enter CRN for the laboratory/recitation section in the CRN box before clicking “submit changes” to register for the linked course.
To waitlist a course using the Class Search feature: Login to My OSU, click on the Student tab, and under Registration Tools choose Add/Drop classes, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Class Search. Here you can define the criteria for the course you are looking for. Once the course is identified select it and click Add to Worksheet. The Add/Drop classes page will reload. Submit the request. Scroll to the bottom, use the action column to choose waitlist, and click submit again. Scroll to the bottom of the page and verify that you have been waitlisted for the course.
How do I know if a course fulfills a bacc core requirement?
Visit the OSU catalog for a list of Baccalaureate Core Classes. You can also look up bacc core course availability in the course catalog class search.