Contemplative Pedagogy Resources
OSU's Center for Teaching & Learning:
Concentric Circles of Care: Teaching During Tough Times Contemplative pedagogy and more by Kate Gallagher and Christina Schaaf
- Contemplative Pedagogy Network
- Contemplative Mind in Society Syllabus Archive
Other CP Efforts in Higher Education:
- Wake Forest
- UMass Amherst
- Columbia University
- Montclair State University
- University of Southern California
- Vanderbilt University
Presentations, Articles & Videos:
- The Heart of Education: Lecture by Dr. Arthur Zajonc
- Contemplative Pedagogy: Lecture by Dr. Arthur Zajonc
- Introduction to Contemplative Pedagogy: Webinar by Mirabai Bush and Arthur Zajonc
- Concentric Circles of Care: Teaching During Tough Times by Kate Gallagher and Christina Schaaf
- Toward the Integration of Meditation into Higher Education: A Review of Research by Shapiro, Brown & Astin
- Powerpoint Presentation
Filecontemplativepedagogyviennafinal.pptx (3.52 MB)
- Contemplative Modes of Inquiry in Liberal Arts Education by Susan Burggraff and Steven Grossenbacher
- Contemplative Practice and the Education of the Whole Person by D. Haynes
- The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society maintains an archive of webinars on contemplative pedagogy, with focus on a variety of related topics, including social justice, legal education as multicultural inquiry, the neuroscience of somatic attention, contemplative pedagogies and geosciences, the science of meditation, and more.
Professional Organizations:
Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education
is a multidisciplinary academic association with an international membership of educators, administrators, staff, students, researchers and other professionals committed to the transformation of higher education through the recovery and development of the contemplative dimensions of teaching, learning and knowing.
KORU Center for Mindfulness
Learn to teach mindfulness to emerging adults (ages 18-29). KORU is an organization started by a psychiatrist and another physician using evidence-based practices to teach mindfulness to young adults. KORU offers training for teachers, evidence for effectiveness of teaching mindfulness to young adults, and resources for students.
OSU Contemplative Pedagogy Professional Learning Community
Consider helping to form a Contemplative Pedagogy Professional Learning Community. If you are interested in helping to form this professional learning community here at Oregon State, contact the Contemplative Studies Coordinator, Kate Gallagher: [email protected]