Instrumental Studies

Interested in taking instrumental lessons at OSU?

Here's what you need to know:

  1. MUP lessons are offered for University credit (additional lesson fees apply).
    • One credit hour equals 10 half/hour lessons – one/week
    • Two credit hours equal 10 one hour lessons – one/week
    • The lesson fee is added to your tuition.
    • MUP lessons are individual lessons  (the student is one – on – one with the instructor)
    • Show up during the first week of class, at the time listed in your course schedule/course catalog. You will meet your instructor at that time and schedule your private lesson
        1. Your lesson time will be different than the meeting time listed. You and the instructor will schedule a weekly meeting time that is convenient for both of your schedules
        2. Space is sometimes limited. Priority registration goes to Music Majors and Music Minors.
        3. Refer to the roster below for your instrumental meeting time and listing of our instrumental faculty
        4. MUP lessons at the 190 level and above are generally reserved for music majors and music minors – advanced level
        5. MUP lessons at the 160 and 170 level are generally for non music major, music minor students – beginner and intermediate level


MUP 163, 173, 193-493 – Woodwinds


MUP 166, 176, 196-496 - Brass

  • Horn: Larry Johnson 
  • Trombone: Carson Keeble
  • Trumpet: Doug Renau
  • Tuba and Euphonium: JaTtik Clark
  • Tuba and Euphonium: Isaac Andrew


MUP 165, 175, 195-495 -  Percussion 


MUP 161, 171, 192-492  – Strings 

  • Violin & Viola: Dr. Marlan Carlson
  • Cello: Anne Ridlington
  • String Bass: Richard Meyn 



MUP 160, 170, 190-490  - Piano