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The CLA websites are currently under construction and may not reflect the most current information until the end of the Fall Term.
The purpose of these auditions is to assign you to a choir and/or a voice teacher. Please note: voice lessons are only offered to current music majors and music minors. If you are interested in declaring a music major or minor, contact the music advisor, Kristin Rorrer, at kristin.rorrer@oregonstate.edu.
The auditions may also be used for those interested joining the Bachelor of Music, with options in music education (voice as major instrument) and voice performance, pedagogy and repertoire. To do this, you will need to complete a application through Acceptd. Go HERE to start your application.
An audition is required for Chamber Choir, Bella Voce, Meistersingers, and the Opera Workshop. Read about our choral ensembles and decide whether a placement audition is appropriate for you.
Audition dates and times
Additional times may be added if necessary
How to sign up for an audition
If you have any questions regarding the audition or audition registration process, please email oregonstatechoirs@gmail.com
Before your in-person audition
At your audition
Additional audition tips