Students will be required to choose between an emphasis in this option:
Choral Emphasis
Application may be made upon acceptance to 300-level individual lessons, completion of MUED 353 and with permission of the faculty program director.
MUED 353. Introduction to Music Education (3)
MUED 471. Fundamentals of Music for Elementary Classroom Teachers (3)
MUED 477. Classroom Instrumental Techniques (2)
MUED 478. Techniques for the Vocal Instructor (2)
MUP 391–MUP 491. Individual Lessons (1–2) Take 5 credits
MUS 140–147. Choral Ensembles (3)
MUS 183. Group Lessons: Piano (1)
MUS 234, MUS 235, MUS 236. Aural Skills II (1,1,1)
MUS 316, MUS 317. Choral Conducting (2,2)
MUS 340–MUS 347. Choral Ensembles (1–2) Take 3 credits
MUS 399. Special Studies: Choral Conducting Lab (2)
MUS 472. Italian and Latin Diction for Singers (2)
MUS 473. German Diction for Singers (2)
Junior or Senior Recital (0)
Instrumental Emphasis
Application may be made upon acceptance to 300-level individual lessons, completion of MUED 353 and permission of faculty program director.
MUED 277 (Sects. 001–008). Instrumental Techniques (1) Take 8 credits
MUED 353. Introduction to Music Education (3)
MUED 471. Fundamentals of Music for Elementary Classroom Teachers (3)
MUED 478. Techniques for the Vocal Instructor (2)
MUP 390–MUP 496. Individual Lessons (1–2) Take 5 credits
MUS 183. Group Lessons: Piano (1)
MUS 234, MUS 235, MUS 236. Aural Skills II (1,1,1)
MUS 318, MUS 319. Instrumental Conducting (2,2)
MUS 350–MUS 360. Instrumental Ensembles (1) Take 6 credits
Junior or Senior Recital (0)
General Emphasis
Application may be made after successful completion of MUED 353 and permission of faculty program director.
MUED 277 (Sects. 001–008). Instrumental Techniques (1) Take 4 credits
MUED 353. Introduction to Music Education (3)
MUED 478. Techniques for the Vocal Instructor (2)
MUP 190. Individual Lessons: Keyboard (1–2)
MUP 191. Individual Lessons: Voice (1–2)
MUP 192. Individual Lessons: Strings (Guitar) (1–2) Take 4 credits
MUS 140–147. Choral Ensembles (3)
or MUS 150–157. Instrumental Ensembles (3)
MUS 183. Group Lessons: Piano (1)
MUS 234, MUS 235, MUS 236. Aural Skills II (1,1,1)
MUS 315. Introduction to Conducting (2)
MUS 316, 317. Choral Conducting (2,2)
or MUS 318, MUS 319. Instrumental Conducting (2,2)
MUS 340–MUS 347. Choral Ensembles (1–2) Take 3 credits
or MUS 350–MUS 360. Instrumental Ensembles (3) Take 3 credits
MUS 399. Special Studies: Choral Conducting Lab (2)
MUS 472. Italian and Latin Diction for Singers (2)
Junior or Senior Recital (0)