High School Concert Band Festival

March 5, 2024

Oregon State University
The LaSells Stewart Center

875 SW 26th Street

Corvallis, Oregon


Contest Philosophy

To provide a sound educational experience for all participants, enable Oregon bands to qualify for the Oregon School Activities Association State Band Championships recording pool, and supply valid, thorough critique and clinics to all students and directors.



Registration for 2024 is closed

2024 festival pricing: $395

Limited to 14 bands

Your registration will reserve a spot. When the full payment is received, your registration will be confirmed. Many groups were turned away in past years, so it is critical that payment is received on time in order to be confirmed for a time slot. If a school purchase order is used, payment must be received by January 12, 2024. Fees are refundable only if a replacement group can be found.

A completed and signed Campus Visit Agreement form needs to be returned either via email to [email protected]or with your check. Payment must be received before a timeslot is assigned.

Download Form


Application Deadline

January 12, 2024. A schedule will be emailed by January 31, 2024. Bands on a waiting list (if necessary) will be notified of their position on the list. 


Payment Information

Payment in full must be submitted by Friday January 12, 2024 in order to be eligible to participate in the festival. If payments are not received 3 days prior to the festival, the group will forfeit their timeslot.

Make checks payable to: Oregon State University
Mail to:
Band Festival
Community Hall 101
1650 SW Pioneer Place
Corvallis, OR  97331

Cancelation Policy

In the event of inclement weather where Oregon State University closes the main campus, a full refund will be provided for the participating school. In the event that a school board closes due to inclement weather, but Oregon State University remains open, the affected school will be provided a 50% refund.  



High school bands from Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, and British Columbia are invited to apply. The schedule will be filled on a first come, first served basis. “Second” bands will be accepted ONLY if space is available. We schedule all "first" bands and then fill in available time slots with "second" bands based on the date of their application.


Schedule and Format

Bands will be scheduled from approximately 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Bands are expected to be present to hear at least 2-3 other groups to ensure that everyone has an audience. Oregon Large Group Festival/Contest Guidelines will be followed. Oregon Band Director's Association Adjudication System and Oregon Band Director’s Association Required Literature List will be used. These are available on the OBDA website (www.obda.org).


State Contest Qualification

For Oregon bands only: Bands receiving two “I” or “I-“ ratings will be eligible to apply and submit their performance recording for one of the “open” recording pool spots in the State Contest. Out-of-state schools meeting this standard will also be publicly recognized.


Divisions and Ratings

This is a non-competitive festival. All schools will be evaluated on the OBDA Systems High School Scale. Performance ratings will not be posted. Each band will receive a recording of their performance and a compact disc of verbal critiques. These will be available at the conclusion of morning and afternoon sessions.


Adjudication and Clinic

Three performance adjudicators will critique each band’s performance. One of the adjudicators will follow the group to the clinic room and present a 20-minute clinic. Bands will not be required to sight-read.


Required Literature

Bands should play at least one selection from the appropriate classification shown on the OBDA list. Titles may be substituted with approval of the contest director. Remaining selections can be from any source. The updated Literature list can be found on the OBDA website at www.obda.org.


Time Limit

Each band will have 30 minutes to set up, perform, and exit. This will be strictly enforced. OSU ensembles will perform at the end of the morning session (followed by recognition of bands receiving a Division I rating).



Judges for the 2024 festival:

Mary Lou Boderman, Salem-Keizer

Patrick Murphy, University of Portland 

Danielle Davey, Mt. Hood Community College

Courtney Snyder, University of Michigan


Personal Property

Oregon State University will not be held responsible for valuables or any other personal property that is lost or stolen during the festival. Storage rooms are shared between schools and are not locked. Encourage students to leave their valuables at home or on the bus.


Setup and Parking Information

Band Setup & Percussion Information Sheet | OSU Campus Parking Map

Hotel/Motel Information