Associate Professor - Public Policy

Office: 541-737-3077

Bexell Hall

Bexell Hall 429

2251 SW Campus Way

2251 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
Additional Information: 


  • Soc 204: Introduction to Sociology
  • Soc 206: Social Problems & Issuesli>
  • Soc 315: Research Design
  • Soc 316: Quantitative Analysis
  • Soc 471: Social Movements

Research Interests

  • Social Movements
  • Organizations
  • Gender and Politics

Curriculum Vitae


Brief Vita


  • PhD – Sociology, University of California, Irvine (2010)
  • Master of Arts – Sociology, University of California, Irvine (2006)
  • Bachelor of Arts – Sociology, Oregon State University (2003)


  • Assistant Professor of Sociology, School of Public Policy, Oregon State University (2015-present)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Southern Illinois University -Carbondale (2011-2015)
  • Faculty Scholar, Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College (2010-2011)


  • Kretschmer, Kelsy. 2019. Fighting for NOW: Diversity and Discord in the National Organization for Women. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Kretschmer, Kelsy. 2017. “Should We Stay or Should We Go? Local and National Factionalism in the National Organization for Women” Qualitative Sociology 40(4): 403-423.
  • Christopher Stout, Kelsy Kretschmer, and Leah Ruppanner. 2017. “Gender Linked Fate and the Marriage Gap in American Politics.” Political Research Quarterly 70(3): 509-522
  • Kretschmer, Kelsy and Kristen Barber. 2016. “Men at the March: Feminist Movement Boundaries and Men’s Participation in Take Back the Night and SlutWalk.” Mobilization 21 (3): 283-321.
  • Kretschmer, Kelsy. 2014. “Shifting Boundaries and Splintering Movements: Abortion Rights in the Feminist and New Right Movements.” Sociological Forum 29: 893-915.
  • Barber, Kristen and Kelsy Kretschmer. 2013. “Walk Like a Man” Contexts 12 (2):40-45

Profile Field Tabs

Affiliated with: 
School of Public Policy
Research/Career Interests: 

Policy Areas: Social movements, gender inequality, organizations, political sociology 

PhD: University of California, Irvine

PhD Faculty
MPP Faculty
SPP Concentration: 
Social Policy
SPP Program: 