Equity, Inclusion, Diversity

Providing training, service, and research that advance accountability, diversity, integrity, respect, and social responsibility, in serving the people of Oregon, the nation and the world. 


The School of Public Policy fully supports OSU Office of Institutional Diversity Plan for Inclusive Excellence. Based on the goals laid out therein, we in SPP will:

  • Integrate and advance inclusive excellence within all aspects of the school.
  • Improve recruitment of students and employees from underrepresented communities.
  • Create an inclusive school climate to support the retention and success of all students and employees.
  • Provide innovative and transformative learning experiences enabling all students and employees to advance inclusive excellence.
  • Communicate the accomplishments, initiatives and innovations of the School of Public Policy as we contribute to the broader university mission to inclusive excellence.

Codes of Conduct:

Students and employees of SPP are expected to abide by the OSU Code of Ethical Behavior, and the policies set bay the Office of Equal Opportunity & Access. Additionally, SPP encourages adherence to the codes provided by relevant professional organizations. 

Current SPP Research and Initiatives:

  • Graduate Program Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (Chair: Hilary Boudet)
  • Economics Program Strategic Planning and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (Co-Chairs: Paul Thompson and Liz Schroeder)
  • Transatlantic Student Symposium
  • We are part of the Public Policy & International Affairs Graduate School Consortium (PPIA), which is dedicated to Diversity & Leadership in Public Service.