Minor in Film Studies

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of film genres and varied historical and cultural contexts and structures (domestic and international) in which they have developed.
  • Apply the specialized vocabulary of film studies and filmic images (terms, theories, key figures) in analytical papers and presentations.
  • Critique the role of film in society.
  • Develop a broadly interdisciplinary understanding of film studies methodologies.

Credit Requirements

A minimum of 28 Credits is required, with a minimum of 24 credits in Film Classes

Minimum total upper-division credits (including electives): 12

Minimum total upper-division credits in FILM classes: 8

Electives: no fewer than 3, no more than 6 credits

Film Classes:

FILM 110 *Introduction to Film Studies, 1895-1945 (3)

FILM 125 *Introduction to Film Studies, 1945-present (3)

FILM 220 *Topics in Difference, Power, and Discrimination in Films (4)

FILM 245 *New American Cinema (4)

FILM 255 *World Cinema Part I: Origins to 1968 (4)

FILM 256 *World Cinema Part II: 1968-present (4)

FILM 265 *Films for the Future (4)

FILM 310 *Film Theory and Criticism (4)

FILM 360   International Film Festival (3)

FILM 445  Documentary Film Studies (4)

FILM 452  Studies in Film (4) (topics vary from term to term; course can be taken two times for 8 credits) Note: this is a WIC class.

FILM 480 Studies in Film, Media, and Culture (4) (topics vary from term to term; course can be taken two times for 8 credits)


Elective Classes:


WLC 261 *Masterpieces of German Cinema (3)

GER 361    Critical Issues of German Cinema (3)

GER 362    Divided Screen: German Cinema, 1945-1990 (3)

GER 363    Contemporary German Cinema (3)


WLC 320 *Francophone Cultures in Film (3-9)

WLC 429: French Society in Cinema (3)


SPAN 439 Topics in Mexican Culture as Evidenced Through Mexican Film (3)

Ethnic Studies

ES/WLC/WGSS/QS 361 (Re)Framing Race Through Film Production (4)

ES 411 Chicano/as in/on Film (3)

ES 452 *Ethnicity in Film (3)

Women’s Studies

WGSS 230 *Women in the Movies (3)

WGSS 235 *Global Women in the Movies (3)

WGSS 325 *Disney: Gender, Race, Empire (3)

*Baccalaureate Core Course