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Event Flyer


Critical Questions Series: Dr. Rebecca Olson

Wednesday, November 20th

4:00 pm

Memorial Union

La Raza room, MU 208




Literary Northwest Series: John Larison

Friday, November 22nd

7:30 pm

Corvallis Museum

411 SW 2nd St

All Events

The Visiting Writers Series

The Visiting Writers Series brings nationally-known writers to campus each year and is made possible by generous support from:
The OSU Libraries & Press
The School of Writing, Literature, and Film, The College of Liberal Arts,
Kathy Brisker and Tim Steele
Grass Roots Books and Music


Literary Northwest Series

The Literary Northwest Series brings nationally-known writers to campus each year and is made possible by generous support from:
The OSU Libraries & Press, The School of Writing, Literature, and Film, The College of Liberal Arts, Kathy Brisker and Tim Steele, Grass Roots Books and Music

Critical Questions Lecture Series

The Critical Questions Lecture Series brings prominent scholars in literature, rhetoric, and film to OSU. In addition to delivering a public talk, the speakers meet with graduate students to discuss such topics as: the genesis of their work; the state of the field as they see it; and the cultural relevance of scholarship in the humanities.

MFA Reading Series

A reading by MFA in Creative Writing students in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

The Stone Award

The Stone Award Literary Achievement honors a major American author who has created a body of critically acclaimed literary work and has been—in the tradition of creative writing at OSU—a dedicated mentor to succeeding generations of young writers.