The CLA websites are currently under construction and may not reflect the most current information until the end of the Fall Term.
Policy Areas: Criminology and deviance, drug use and policy, research methods.
PhD: Washington State University
Policy Areas: International policy, foreign relations, energy, environment, Latin America
PhD: Johns Hopkins University
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Labor market effects of physical and mental health status, the relationship between place and obesity, and the causes of hunger and food insecurity.
PhD: Johns Hopkins University
Policy Areas: Microeonomics; Inequality
PhD: Michigan State University
Policy Areas: 1) The importance of gender equality for social policy investments and policy outcomes; 2) Changing notions of citizenship, political participation, and gender inequality; and 3) Family as a site of inequality on the basis of gender, political rights, and sexual orientation.
PhD: Indiana University, Bloomington
Policy Areas: Social movements, environmental policy, energy policy.
PhD: Stanford University
Policy Areas: Sociology of law, law and society, political sociology, criminal justice and criminology.
PhD: University of Wisconsin, Madison
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Aquatic ecosystems health, marine and coastal policy and outreach, invasive species.
PhD: Oregon State University
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Regional development and land use policy.
PhD: Ohio State University
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Equitable and sustainable health development for low-income nations; health systems finance; national health care systems and universal health care; evaluating equity and efficiency(extra-welfarism) in health care services.
PhD: Harvard University
Policy Areas: Natural resource sociology, environmental sociology, social impact assessment, rural sociology.
PhD: Utah State University
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Forest economics; forest policy - private and public; human dimensions; rural development
PhD: Oregon State University
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: American Indian policy, culture and society; international education policy; rural policy; diversity; gender policy
PhD: Oregon State University
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Transnational feminist theories; gender and the global economy; gender issues in Asia.
PhD: Emory University
Policy Areas: Poverty and inequality, food security, sociology of housing, research methods.
PhD: University of Washington
Policy Areas: International development; industrial, labor, urban and environmental economics; policy analysis.
PhD: Cornell University
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Regional economic development, innovation, and technology policy
PhD: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Environmental policy and decision-making, citizen participation, evaluation, and human dimensions of environmental risk.
PhD: Oregon State University
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Area: Environmental Policy
PhD: Rutgers University
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: History of Science, History of Technology, Environmental History.
PhD: University of California, Santa Barbara
Policy Areas: Energy and Environmental Policy
PhD: Utah State University
Policy Areas: Russia/Central and Eastern Europe, Democratization, Civil Society, Gender and Post-communism
PhD: University of Colorado
I am a sociologist who works in the areas of education and inequality, with a particular interest on first-generation/working-class college students and the burdens of social mobility. I began my career looking at the experiences of working-class college students and then moved to a focus on how class background affected college outcomes. One of my current projects takes this even further, with a focus on how class background affects graduate school training and career success in academia. Mostly, I conduct research using qualitative methods - interviewing people, conducting focus groups, and performing content analyses of institutional and archival material. A big fan of sociology and what it can do not just for society and public policy making but also for those who take it on as a discipline, I am pleased to teach core courses such as Sociological Theory and Qualitative Research Methods. I also teach courses on class and inequality whenever I get the chance, including our newly revised Education and Inequality.
Policy Areas: Juvenile delinquency, criminology, deviant behavior and social control, sociology of education.
PhD: University of Washington
Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy
PhD: University of California, Santa Barbara
I am a political economist, whose research agenda lies at the intersection of comparative and international political economy. The topics I have published on include European and EU politics, European monetary integration, economic and financial crises, sovereign risk and credit ratings, welfare states and labor markets, housing markets and household debt, growth models and the politics of organized labor (with a focus on general strikes).
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: International health, genetic privacy policy, HIPAA, rural-urban migration, gender and development, reproductive health, policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation.
PhD: Syracuse University
Policy Areas: Social movements, gender inequality, organizations, political sociology
PhD: University of California, Irvine
Policy Areas: China's political economy in the early 1950s, Sino-Soviet relations, the CCP and its evolution and change.
PhD: Columbia University
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Human Development and family in small towns and rural areas
PhD: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Global health inequalities, primary health care, labor, food and water insecurity, mental health
PhD: Emory University
Policy Areas: Macroeconomics
PhD: New York University
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Human dimensions of natural resources, recreation, tourism and wildlife.
PhD: Colorado State University
Policy Areas: International Trade, Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics, Productivity Growth
PhD: Syracuse University, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
Policy Areas: Caribbean studies, migration and settlement, race and ethnic relations.
PhD: York University (Canada)
Policy Areas: Labor economics, development economics and education economics.
PhD: University of Michigan
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Social Welfare Policy, Poverty, Family Policy
PhD: University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Policy Areas: Applied econometrics and microeconomics.
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Systems of oppression in women's lives.
PhD: Southern Baptist Seminary
Policy Areas: International and comparative environmental policy, comparative rural policy, science and scientists in the policy process, energy policy, sustainable state and local governance.
PhD: Washington State University
Policy Areas: Marine and coastal policy, migration and development
PhD: University of California, Santa Cruz
Policy Areas: Public opinion, polling accuracy, race and politics, minority voting behavior
PhD: University of California, Irvine
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas:Education policy affecting English learners; curriculum and instruction for English learners; teacher education and professional development related to English learners; second language acquisition; bilingualism; education of immigrant students; mixed methods
PhD: Stanford University
Policy Areas: Social Policy
PhD: Michigan State University
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Contemporary African American social and political discourse; racial patterns of urbanization.
PhD: University of California, Santa Cruz
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Sustainable development, environmental risk assessment, pollution, community participation, natural resources, fisheries management
PhD: University of Washington
Policy Areas: Political theory, especially theories of justice and democracy, domestic and global inequality, race and ethnicity, environmental political theory.
PhD: University of Pittsburgh
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Environmental (conflict)
PhD: University of Kansas
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Civil Engineering
PhD: University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Policy Areas: Gender and family policy; science policy; comparative and international gender policy.
PhD: Washington State University
Policy Areas: Environmental politics and policy, public administration, science and politics.
PhD: University of Wisconsin, Madison
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Environmental Policy
PhD: University of Washington, Seattle
Affiliated MPP Faculty
Policy Areas: Transboundary water conflicts and conflict resolution, water basin technical and policy analysis, environmental policy analysis.
PhD: University of Wisconsin, Madison
Policy Areas: Environmental politics and policy, science and politics.
PhD: Oregon State University
Policy Areas:
Mexican and Latin American Politics
German Politics
Political Parties and Party Systems
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill