The Political Science Program participates in the following graduate programs:
Master of Public Policy (MPP)
The Master of Public Policy (MPP) Program is offered by faculty in the Economics, Political Science and Sociology Programs in the School of Public Policy. As an interdisciplinary program, the MPP is uniquely positioned to integrate groundbreaking science into emerging policies, practices and understandings of the world that will impact and influence local, regional and international policy decisions. Areas of concentration include: energy policy, environmental policy; international policy; law, crime & policy; rural policy; science & technology policy; and social policy. For more information about the program, please visit the MPP Web Site.
PhD in Public Policy
The PhD in Public Policy program is offered by faculty in the Economics, Political Science, and Sociology programs in the School of Public Policy. Policy students can also design programs of study with faculty in other colleges including Agricultural Sciences, Education, Forestry, Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts, Earth, Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, and Science. While there is a science of policy including theoretical and methodological approaches that PhD students are expected to master, the discipline of policy is closely connected to the practice of policy design, implementation, and assessment; this program is designed to ensure that students interact with policy-makers as well as the knowledge-producers who support policy decisions. For more information about the program, please visit the PhD Program web site.
Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS)
Students who are in the MAIS program can include Political Science as a field of study, either as a primary/major field, or as a second or third field of study. You can find more detail on admissions criteria and procedures at the website for the MAIS degree and the OSU Graduate School.
Political Science Graduate Minor
Students in other graduate Masters or Doctoral programs can choose to include a graduate minor in Political Science. You can find more detail at the OSU Graduate School website.