Associate Professor

Moreland Hall

Moreland Hall 222

2550 SW Jefferson Way

2550 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
Associate Professor

PhD, University of Pennsylvania (2013)

MA, University of Oxford (2007)

BA, University of Michigan (2006)

Curriculum Vitae: 
Office Hours: 
By appointment
Rm 222

Profile Field Tabs


Tekla Bude specializes in late medieval literature. Her research focuses on the ways medieval writers were influenced by and influenced the study of music, arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy -- what medieval scholars would have called the quadrivium and what we might think of as the study of numbers.  Her first book, Sonic Bodies (UPenn, 2022) investigates forms of "silent" or "metaphysical" music in English literature from 1300-1550. It won the Anne Middleton Book Prize in 2023. Her second book, in progress, is on the mathematical imagination in late medieval literature.

Tekla received her PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in 2013. From 2013-2016, she was Kathleen Hughes Junior Research Fellow at Newnham College, Cambridge, where she began work on a second project on the conceptualization of mathematical principles in medieval poetry, theology, and devotional texts. Her work has appeared in Studies in the Age of Chaucer, The Chaucer Review, and the Yearbook of Langland Studies.

Affiliated with: 
School of Writing, Literature, and Film
OSU Main Campus
Courses Taught: 

I teach broadly across Medieval Literature and related fields. In addition to teaching 200-level courses in Early British Literature and Shakespeare, I also teach a rotation of upper-division courses that change almost yearly as my interests and the interests of my students change. These include:

History of the English Language (taught every other year)

Global Medieval Literature (taught every other year)

Premodern Sexualities (taught every other year)

Medieval Risk and Future Studies

The Power of Music in Literature

Ways of Knowing in the Medieval World


Research/Career Interests: 

Mathematics and Literature

Medieval Literature

Music and Literature

Medieval Philosophy and Theology

Queer Theory

Science and Literature

Women's, Gender, and Sexuality


Proceedings and Conference Presentations: 

Please see my CV for my latest publications and awards.