Digital Communication Arts Undergraduate

The New Media Communications program offers an interdisciplinary curriculum that gives students access to courses and resources throughout the School of Arts and Communication.

After completing the core requirements of the Digital Communication Arts degree, students have a broad array of electives to choose from to attain the BA/BS/HBA/HBS or BFA in Digital Communication Arts.

Online Program

Core Requirements

All declared majors take the courses listed under the core requirements.

Major Elective Requirements

Students have the opportunity to focus their studies on a particular area within New Media Communications, choosing between a BS, a BA, or a BFA in Digital Communication Arts. The BFA in Digital Communication Arts has a focus on production and visualization. 

The BS and BA degrees in Digital Communication Arts include five core requirements as well intermediate and advanced level requirements. The BFA has the same five core requirements, with additional foundational course requirements in Art, Theatre, Writing and Film, and ten courses in new media production.

Total= 46–49 credits for the BA/BS degrees

Total= 91-98 credits for the BFA


Students in this major will learn alternative writing approaches, nonlinear storytelling, multiple formats, and how mediated storytelling affects the story itself.

They investigate how our culture will change as people shift from multiple streams of communication to information flow on a single device, and how the structures of traditional media will adapt. Courses focus on several dimensions of media adoption and adaptation including access and inclusivity, personalization and privacy, science and business.

New media requires continuous research and development. Practitioners will need to be prepared to be life-long learners.

B.A. Degree Plan

B.S. Degree Plan

B.F.A. Degree Plan

*All courses and requirements are subject to change. For the most up-to-date list, please refer to the OSU catalog.


  • A Digital Communication Arts major requires an OSU 2.0 GPA for admittance & an OSU 2.3 GPA to graduate with the DCA major.
  • A grade of C- or better is required for all courses used to complete the DCA major requirements.
  • Coursework applied toward the major/minor cannot be taken with S/U grading.

Students have the opportunity to focus their studies on a particular part of the discipline of New Media Communications.

Courses in the New Media Communications minor are designed to prepare students for a variety of careers in media and allied fields in which knowledge of and skills in mediated communications are an integral part of professional activity. NMC offers students the opportunity to pursue a range of theoretical and practical courses in media.

The NMC minor will allow students from across campus to complement their chosen field of study with an understanding of mediated communications from a new media perspective. Students will better understand how to process information they receive about their chosen field and how to distribute information about their own work effectively in society. This minor will assist students in attaining the background necessary for leadership roles in their chosen fields.

For NMC minor requirements, please refer to the OSU catalog.

Digital Communication Arts majors are not eligible to complete the NMC minor due to the duplication of classes.