New Media Communications Learning Outcomes

New Media Communications is an innovative, experiential program where students learn to create, interpret, and manage change in media. New Media Communications includes media research, media management, and media production to educate you as an effective manager of change. We offer a variety of courses in each of these areas both on-campus and on-line.

Students who graduate with a degree in Digital Communication Arts will have the following learning outcomes:

  1. Appraise the relative merits of media technologies on multiple grounds, including:
    • their potential for individual creative expression;
    • their potential to connect individuals to one another;
    • their potential for collective human creative expression;
    • their potential to promote community;
    • their efficiency in pursuit of grounds 1-4; and
    • their potential as investments
  2. Choose media appropriate to a given task
  3. Evaluate & recommend public policy regarding media
  4. Manage change in the media environment
  5. Criticize media content using historic and emerging standards
  6. Communicate effectively in a variety of media, such as digital animation, website design, video production, and writing