Our Vision:
To empower collaborative and innovative leadership and research to address evolving policy challenges.
Our Mission:
MPP Program faculty and students engage in innovative research, on all aspects of public policy, that supports ethical and equitable policy decisions at all levels of government, from the local to the global.
MPP Learning outcomes align with the outcomes of the OSU Graduate School as well as with NASPAA.
Graduate School Learning Outcomes:
- conduct research or produce some other form of creative work
- demonstrate mastery of subject material
- be able to conduct scholarly or professional activities in an ethical manner
NASPAA: Universal Required Competencies:
- to lead and manage in public governance
- to participate in and contribute to the policy process
- to analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions
- to articulate and apply a public service perspective
- to communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry
MPP Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the MPP program, students will meet the following learning outcomes:
MPP Learning Outcome # 1:
Conduct original policy research that extends the knowledge of policy or other social science disciplines. This will be demonstrated through mastery and application of critical thinking, and application of standard and innovative policy theory and methods in both coursework and a capstone course project.
Aligns with:
Graduate School Learning Outcome # 1:
conduct research or produce some other form of creative work
NASPAA Universal Required Competency # 3:
to analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions
MPP Learning Outcome # 2:
Develop substantive knowledge in an area of concentration that allows for immediate immersion in a relevant policy arena. This will be accomplished through coursework, independent study, a capstone course project, and an optional professional practicum.
Aligns with:
Graduate School Learning Outcome # 2:
demonstrate mastery of subject material
NASPAA Universal Required Competency # 3:
to analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions
MPP Learning Outcome # 3:
Practice policy development, analysis and implementation. This will be demonstrated through coursework, OPAL Policy Clinics, a capstone course project, and/or the completion of a professional placement that includes a mentoring relationship with a current practitioner.
Aligns with:
NASPAA Universal Required Competency # 1:
to lead and manage in public governance
MPP Learning Outcome # 4:
Communicate to stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and address policy fields that are relevant to a variety of different populations. We will facilitate a focus on diversity through student and faculty recruitment, as well as participation and training in courses (including the capstone course project), seminars, and domestic and international field schools.
Aligns with:
NASPAA Universal Required Competency # 5:
to communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry
MPP Learning Outcome # 5:
Design and present in both formal and informal venues with students, practitioners, and community members. This will be demonstrated through class and capstone presentations, development and implementation of community outreach/training programs and professional development seminars, and presentations at professional conferences.
Aligns with:
NASPAA Universal Required Competency # 1:
to lead and manage in public governance
MPP Learning Outcome # 6:
Conduct scholarly or professional activities in public policy research, teaching, and service in an ethical manner. This will be accomplished through participation and training in research methods courses, professional development seminars, and core courses in public policy and administration.
Aligns with:
Graduate School Learning Outcome # 3:
be able to conduct scholarly or professional activities in an ethical manner
NASPAA Universal Required Competency # 2:
to participate in and contribute to the policy process
NASPAA Universal Required Competency # 4:
to articulate and apply a public service perspective
MPP Learning Outcome # 7:
Develop a public service ethic resulting in student understanding of the significance of working collectively, in collaboration with the public and prioritizing the desires of citizens, communities, and society at large. This outcome will be achieved through coursework and service learning projects that involve public partners in mutually beneficial, community-driven efforts.
Aligns with:
NASPAA Universal Required Competency # 4:
to articulate and apply a public service perspective