About Art & Art History

Our goal is to help stimulate intellectual and aesthetic inquiry, develop our students' creative and technical skills, and graduate engaged, culturally aware citizens. Fundamental art principles are studied in the core art studio classes.  Students then combine or choose from several concentrations: painting, sculpture, installation, printmaking, photography, video art, and art history.

Our expert, full-time faculty are working artists and researchers that consistently exhibit in both galleries and museums, and publish their research nationally and internationally. They work closely with OSU art students in small studio classes. Renowned guest artists are frequently brought in to classes and hosted as speakers. Course work is enriched by Montage, the student art club, as well as opportunities to make art on experiential art-courses at the coast and in courses that make good use of our collaborative research partners. 

The Fairbanks Gallery displays exhibitions by nationally recognized artists. The refurbished building also houses a dedicated student-showcase gallery and spaces for encouraging and hosting cross-campus and community creative and experimental collaborations.

The JumpstART pre-college program brings high school students from around the state and the U.S. to campus for a one-week summer residency program.

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