MA and MS programs in Applied Anthropology require completion of a thesis. This is one of the most critical features of the program and often the most difficult. The thesis is a measure of scholarship and ability to work independently to conclude a major project. The major professor and graduate program committee provide guidance and constructive criticism en route. They also are the thesis and program examiners. Completing a thesis requires that you develop a topic and obtain approval from your major professor. Your graduate program committee then reviews and approves this topic and the research plan to develop data. Upon completion of the thesis an oral examination is conducted by your committee and the results are transmitted to the Graduate School for review and conferral of the degree.
Oregon State University grants degrees each term and has an annual graduation ceremony in early June. To graduate, a defensible draft should be in the hands of committee members no later than the second week of the term preceding graduation.
For graduate school requirements, see the online thesis guide.