About Our Program

The School of Psychological Science offers a Ph.D. program in Psychology, with new cohorts beginning each fall term. The program has an applied focus, using psychological research to solve practical problems. Graduates of the Psychology Ph.D. program will be qualified to define, assess, analyze, and evaluate behavior-based problems in both the private and public sector. With a strong research component, the program provides graduates the tools to tackle a variety of applied problems. 

Please review our application process and requirements.


Apprenticeship Model

Our program uses an apprenticeship model. Students will be accepted to the program with the understanding that they will work primarily with one or more faculty members throughout their time at OSU. Thus, a strong connection with the research program of at least one faculty member is essential for successful applicants. Specific faculty research interests can be found here.


Research Areas of Study

Engineering Psychology

Engineering Psychology refers to research at the intersection of psychology and technology. Relevant topics include such things as the improvement of technology, human-machine interfaces, transportation, information systems, and work and living environments. It is not transcript visible.

Health Psychology

Health Psychology concerns the relations between psychological factors (eg cognition, motivation, individual and interpersonal behavior, and emotion), physical health, mental health, and wellness in diverse populations with regard to age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, and health status. It is not transcript visible.

Psychological Science of Teaching and Learning

The Psychological Science of Teaching and Learning involves translating and applying psychological theories and empirical research to enhance teaching and learning practices in both formal and informal settings throughout the lifespan. This approach emphasizes the significance of factors such as race/ethnicity, culture, disability, and various intersecting forms of oppression. It is not transcript visible.

Psychological Clinical Science

The Psychological Clinical Science option offers training in both research and service delivery within clinical psychology, following a clinical science training model. Psychological Clinical Science focuses on assessing, understanding, and improving human problems in behavior, affect, cognition, or health. It applies scientific evidence to address these issues effectively. The program integrates rigorous research training with hands-on clinical experience, emphasizing evidence-based assessment and intervention. This option is transcript visible.


Student Support

Ph.D. students who are in good standing and enrolled for at least 12 credits of graduate coursework are eligible to be considered for annual Teaching Assistantships. Teaching Assistantships generally include a tuition waiver, 90% paid health insurance, and a stipend. TA duties are typically assigned for 20 hours/week; stipend and working conditions are set by the collective bargaining agreement that the Graduate Student Union, the Coalition of Graduate Employees, has with the University (see the CGE website here:  http://cge6069.org/). 

Students may use professional development funds for training through https://instats.org/.


Student Learning Outcomes


  1. Produce and defend an original significant contribution to knowledge (PhD); Conduct research or produce some other form of creative work (MS)
  2. Demonstrate mastery of subject material
  3. Conduct scholarly or professional activities in an ethical manner



  1. Independent Research: Conduct independent research resulting in an original contribution to knowledge in psychology, including all steps from generating an original question to writing a manuscript describing all aspects of the study.
  2. Core Knowledge: Demonstrate broad knowledge of psychology, advanced knowledge in a specialized area, and knowledge of statistics and methods used in psychology research.
  3. Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World: Articulate principles of ethical and socially responsible behavior by psychologists, including in the context of human diversity; conduct research that is ethical and socially responsible.