The mission of Oregon State’s School of Psychological Science is to provide psychological expertise to the university and the state of Oregon through engaging in cutting-edge research and training both undergrad and graduate students in the science of psychology. We offer an undergraduate psychology major and minor for students online and on campus. Of the over 1000 majors offered, psychology is one of the largest undergraduate majors at OSU. Our graduates can be found in a diverse array of fields ranging from counseling to industrial consulting to academia. We have a strong culture of involving qualified undergraduates in research. At the graduate level, our Ph.D. program began in the fall of 2016.
The School of Psychological Science is located in Reed Lodge, Snell Hall, Moreland Hall, and the Oak Creek Building. Reed Lodge houses our administration, faculty offices, and some research lab spaces. Academic advising and student services are located on the 4th floor of Snell Hall. Research labs and graduate student offices and can be found on the garden level of Moreland Hall. and the Oak Creek building houses administration and more research labs.
Contact The School of Psychological Science
Reed Lodge
2950 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
[email protected]