Click the drop-down links below to be connected with a variety of free, guided contemplative practices and resource sites by category. We'll continue developing this list as we discover practice resources from a variety of contemplative traditions.
Sending Breaths to Places in the Body (9:47) with Kate Gallagher
A Meditation for Calming Down (10:00) with Ruth King
Opening and Calming (14:00) with Tara Brach
Grounding Meditation (15:00) with Kate Gallagher
Slowing Down/Listening Inwardly - Mindful Movement (25:00) with Kate Gallagher
Calm/Ease (20:24) with Thich Nhat Hanh
Body Scan (11:29) with Kate Gallagher
6 Point Body Scan (15:00) with Michael Waupoose
Body Scan (30:00) with Luis Morones via the UCSD Center for Mindfulness
Guided Relaxation with Kaira Jewel Lingo of the Zen Plum Village Lineage (28 minutes)
Rocking the Body (Video - 14:29) with Kate Gallagher
Rocking the Body II (Video - 7:53) with Kate Gallagher
Starting the Day: Allowing yourself to be as you are (9:00) with Audrey Perkins
Morning Meditation: At Home in Nature (13:00) with Audrey Perkins
Savasana means "Corpse Pose" and is done resting flat on the back.
Savasana 1 (10:16) with Kate Gallagher
Savasana 2 (13:11) with Kate Gallagher
Savasana 3 (10:36) with Kate Gallagher
Savasana 4 (10:23) with Kate Gallagher
Sending Breaths to Places in the Body (9:47) with Kate Gallagher
Feeling the Breath in the Belly, Ribs & Chest (11:49) with Kate Gallagher
Ujjayi Pranayama - "Victorious Breath" (10:34) with Kate Gallagher
Deep Breathing (24:00) with Kate Gallagher
Breath Relaxation Meditation (18:17) with Dr. Winston McCullough
A Variety of Mindfulness-Based Practices from Mindfulness Northwest
A Variety of Mindfulness-Based Practices with Tara Brach
Attending to the Soles of the Feet (10:32) with Kate Gallagher
Mindful Eating Meditation (14:30) with Kate Gallagher
Walking Meditation (9:49) with Kate Gallagher
Seated Meditation (20:00) with Luis Morones
Seated Meditation (45:00) with Luis Morones
Mindfulness of Sounds (10:36) with Kate Gallagher
Attention with the Breath (12:21) with Kate Gallagher
Shamatha 1: Relaxation + Stability (17:00) with Kate Gallagher
Shamatha 2: Stability & Vividness (18:00) with Kate Gallagher
4 Anchors Open Sky Meditation (20:00) with Audrey Perkins
Mountain Meditation guided by Noriko Morita Harth (25 minutes)
Noting (20:00) with Kristen Neff
A Variety of Mindful Self Compassion Meditations with Kristen Neff, PhD
A Variety of Mindful Self Compassion Practices with Chris Germer, PhD
A Variety of Compassion-Based Practices with Tara Brach, PhD
Self-Compassion Break for Anxiety (10:00) with Noriko Morita Harth via the UCSD Center for Mindfulness
Visualizing Goodwill for the World (10:13) with Kate Gallagher
Common Humanity Meditation (17:00) with Audrey Perkins
Self-Compassion Break Practice (20:00) with Kate Gallagher
Loving-Kindness for a Loved One (15:00) with Noriko Morita Harth via the UCSD Center for Mindfulness
Giving and Receiving Compassion (15:00) with Noriko Morita Harth via the UCSD Center for Mindfulness
Loving Kindness Meditation (11:58) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Analytic Meditations with Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel
Shamatha-Vipassana (33:00) with Kate Gallagher
Shamatha-Vipassana Short (16:00) with Kate Gallagher
Minding the Gap with Audrey Perkins (13:00)
Minding the Gap 2 with Audrey Perkins (20:00)
Space of the Mind (16:00) with Kate Gallagher
Restorative Yoga Sequence (20:55) with Kate Gallagher
Gentle Yoga Sequence (11:35) with Kate Gallagher
Introductory Yoga (9:27) with Kate Gallagher
Sun Salutations (8:26) with Kate Gallagher
Slowing Down/Listening Inwardly - Mindful Movement (audio) (25:00) with Kate Gallagher
The Center for Action and Contemplation website is rich with resources
Creating a Home Retreat: Finding Freedom Wherever You Are with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield
Native American Flute video library with R. Carlos Nakai
Various Gong and Sound Bowl Meditations with Amy & Mark Clem
30 Minute Seated Dance Meditation Practice with Andrea McCullough
Professor of psychology and contemplative studies at OSU, Dr. Winston McCullough, lectures and guides on contemplative practices through the lens of psychology and traditional teachings. Many of these recordings were developed in collaboration with the First Presbyterian Church of Corvallis during the early years of the 2020 pandemic. McCullough positions his instructions through the 4-part framework of Body, Breath, Mind, and Intention (BBMI).
Body Meditation (20:47) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Breath Meditation (30:43) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Breath Relaxation Meditation (18:17) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Breathing Tactics Meditation (30:39) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Mind Meditation (29:40) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Intention Meditation (28:01) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Integrated BBMI Parts (20:38) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Conducive Conditions for Meditation (21:53) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Back to the Basics Meditation (9:29) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Meditative Concentration (23:39) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Wisdom Contemplation (23:52) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Valentines Meditation (18:00) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Trust Meditation (33:21) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Thanksgiving Meditation (17:58) with Dr. Winston McCullough
"Me at my Best" Meditation (17:19) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Mantra Meditation (24:00) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Love our Enemies Meditation (22:08) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Love a Sick Person Meditation (18:44) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Loving Kindness Meditation (11:58) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Loving Kindness Breath Meditation (26:54) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Life Goals Meditation (19:39) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Krino-me Meditation (24:35) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Inner Work of Racial Justice Meditation (16:23) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Independence Day Meditation (41:02) with Dr. Winston McCullough
How to be a Nobody Meditation (27:23) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Gratitude Meditation (17:03) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Gratitude for Nature Meditation (9:35) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Giving & Receiving Love Meditation (24:21) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Getting Big Meditation (38:05) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Getting Bigger Meditation (27:40) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Chillin' Mindfulness Meditation (22:56) with Dr. Winston McCullough
"Best Possible Self" Optimism Meditation (18:45) with Dr. Winston McCullough
ABCDE Contemplation (21:12) with Dr. Winston McCullough
1st Karma Meditation (31:04) with Dr. Winston McCullough
Insight Timer - For Sleep, Anxiety and Stress
Plum Village - Mindfulness and more from Thich Nhat Hanh's Tradition
Healthy Minds - Translating science into tools to cultivate and measure well-being